Tips Tuesdays

4 Tips for Wearing Heels

Christian LouboutiniComfort is the key
Walk around the house a bit. Anyplace that you feel a little bit of pressure, that’s gonna be a painful spot. So that’s where you want to go in and strategically pad up your stiletto with a gel pad or some moleskin. You can cut it up and put it where you want, like where your little toe is. You have to do your own padding.

How many inches?
If you are new at wearing heels, then start with a lower heel (under 3 inches) and work your way up gradually. Another option is to wear platform heels, which help absorb the shock more, or thicker heels.

Health Problems
High heels have an exaggerated arch, so women with high arches can tolerate them better as far as comfort is concerned. Research has shown that high heels cause abnormal forces at the knee that predispose you to knee arthritis, as well as bunions as well as other vascular problems.

Foot care
The higher the heel is, the more effect it has in terms of shortening and tightening the Achilles’ tendon. And if you go straight to a flatter shoe afterward, it puts extra strain on the tendon. You want to keep your heel wearing to less than 50% of the time. If you choose to have them on at work, then wear comfy shoes to and from work.

I have included this video on secret to wearing heels by
*Tips Tuesdays*

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