Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 9 – Never Assume

This blogging tip is more of a personal experience that I’m not ashamed to share, because in the life of blogging, you live and you learn.

The other day I attended an event that I received a private invite for and I RSVPed before the deadline. My first assumption was that as long as I RVSPed on time I was confirmed to attend the event. Apparently, that’s not how it worked. This assumption worked in previous events where once you RSVPed you were pretty much on the list, but it seems somehow my RSVP didn’t make the list the day of this particular event.

Anyways, the day of the event I show up to the event say hi to some of the organizers, people I know and know me, I get checked in and I go about my business at the event while thinking about how to review the event later on that night, taking pictures to use for my post. On my way out the door, I stop by the check in/out table to get my goodie bag which had some products, including a book that I wanted to review for Vday for you all. As I give my name, in order to receive a bag, I’m being told my name is not on the list. Then they asked to give my info and they’ll write on the paper, so we did that, but somehow I still wouldn’t be able to receive a gift bags because all the bags have “names” and obviously, since my name was not on the list, I don’t get a bag. Hmm… Ok… So I ask how did this happen?! I somehow feel like a party crasher, that got invited to the event, RSVPed before the deadline, show up to the event and somehow, my name never made the list, and I don’t get a gift bag to review later. Interesting…

After trying to figure out what happened, with the organizer and some other people that couldn’t somehow explain to me what happened, they asked for my info, yet again, to make sure I get a “left-over” bag from the guests that did not attend the event. Hmm… Ok. That’s awesome.

So where did the blogger (me) go wrong?!
– I assumed that by RSVPing on time I was confirmed for the event.
– I assumed that since I was checked in, I was on the list.
– I assumed that I did not need to give my name again for a goody bag. I also thought that was ridiculous.

Where did the PR/organizer go wrong?
– Not confirming my RSVP or stating the status of my RSVP. “sorry the event is full” etc…
– if the blogger wasn’t good enough to attend the event, therefore an invitation shouldn’t have been sent out to that particular blogger. An update of such distribution list should be done. The following ProBlogger post on How To Pitch to Bloggers might help, also this post on Online PR: Companies Inviting Bloggers & Twitterers to Events.
– have extra gift bags for those that didn’t quite get a confirmation for situations like these.

Anyways, now I know for next time, if there’s a next time. This is exactly the reason why I pick and choose the events I attend very carefully.  Not to sound cocky or anything, but honestly, I don’t have time for this stress and/or bs.

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8 replies on “Blogging Tip# 9 – Never Assume”

I just came across your blog and I am loving what I am reading! Im starting a blog myself to help push my sunchaiser bag line and can already relate to so much of what you are saying. LOL I got a story though about those gift bags that you should have received and another one about not getting what you signed up for… Let's hook up on here and talk more.. I haven't turned my blog on search yet and I am still learning how to create my post and put pictures in and all that stuff. My product is at and my blog will be
I'm gonna read some more of your post now:) great job,I think you deserve a goodie bag!

Great post!!!

I don't think you were wrong for thinking you were on the invite list. I would have made the same assumption. I definitely fault the PR person for that. He/she really should have gotten back to you in advance, seriously. That's really annoying when the communication is poor like that.

Good lesson learned though, and thanks for sharing this story.

Thank you for stopping by. And yes I was highly disappointed, but you live and you learn. Still to this day they never contacted me back like they said they would. But I wasn\’t expecting them to. As a matter of fact, the client had the nerve to add me to their email newsletter. Sigh, smh! Lol

Hey Arie, I really stopped by to say hi and how much I absolutely love your theme and what you've been doing with the blog.
I still think they need to get you a goodie bag!!! Have a great day girlfriend.

Lol. They never contacted me. But they had the nerve to add me to their newsletter. Lol. It\’s ok, things happen for a reason. :-) By the way, thanks for stopping by!! :-)

wow, some people are so unorganized. I must say that you are not, I really enjoyed my time at your event in August, I was able to meet you & a few other people that I'm still in contact with :)… I find it hard to even get invited to events though, I hardly know anyone & i think that's the reason :/. who knows

Yea, I think the problem with this event was that the owners/organizers were trying to cater to their most important guests that they didn\’t care if they left a lil ol blogger out. I personally don\’t care if they want to be selective, but don\’t waste my time sending me invites and treating me like I kinda sorta crashed your party. A week passed and I have yet to hear back from them regarding the gift bag. Of course, I\’m not holding my breath, they tell you anything so you don\’t cause a scene. Whatever.
As far as being invited to events, it\’s all about networking, I don\’t really get as many invites like most bloggers do. I think it\’s the PR companies that eventually start adding you to their lists. Don\’t worry if I find events, I\’ll find a way to send it to you, if I\’m allowed. :-)

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