Money Mondays

5 College Jobs That Don’t Suck

College Graduate

Going to college can be stressful, tiring and most of all, expensive. Most students are struggling to get by paying for groceries, rent, and tuition, surviving on the bare minimum. Although having a job while taking a full load of classes can be difficult, it can also be very rewarding and help minimize your debt. Finding the perfect job to meet your busy schedule may not be easy, but when you do find the right job, you won’t regret it.

Money Mondays

Emotional Spending Can Spell Disaster (if You Don’t Learn How to Control It)

Many of us make and spend money because we must if we want to survive. Food, clothing, and shelter all come with a price tag attached and most societies require you to pull your weight if you want to live according to your own terms. However, when you get into the territory of spending more money than you make, your poor financial decisions are likely based on emotional buying rather than actual necessity; and this can quickly become a problem.

Money Mondays

Best ways to motivate yourself into saving money

Due to the status of the current economy, many people are now finding themselves living paycheck to paycheck and are losing their motivation to start or build up their savings.

However, saving doesn’t have to be a hard task if you take simple steps to start and stay on track with the process. Here are some tips to get you started and keep you motivated to reach your savings goal.

Money Mondays

Top 7 Tips for the Budding Entrepreneur

Start with a plan. You really can’t get your entrepreneurial masterpiece off the ground if you don’t have a solid business plan in place to start with. In fact, you’ll need to do a lot of research before you even pen the plan. Consider your niche, analyze the market, and try to determine a strategy to fit in before you ever put together a prospectus to show potential investors.

Money Mondays

How to Save Money on the Hottest Gifts for the Holidays

Whether you’re buying the latest noise-making toys for your nieces and nephews (that’s right, the holidays are the perfect time to have a little fun at the expense of your siblings!), a bushel of electronics for your friends, or some new perfume that the ladies are raving about, you are likely to end your holiday shopping spree with PTSSD (Post Traumatic Sticker Shock Disorder).

Money Mondays

Back to School on a Budget – At Any Age

One of the main reasons that people don’t go back to school is Time. What’s the other one? Money.

You can’t always make more of either of those in your life, but you can change the way you spend them so it seems as though you have more. If you want to have more money for school, you have to spend less in other areas. Even though this is common sense, it can also seem difficult.

Money Mondays

5 Most Common Retiree Money Mistakes

They call it your golden years for a reason: because you’re in the money! At least, you will be if you spent a lifetime contributing to social security, a 401K, and other lucrative investments. In truth, it is a golden opportunity to finally get around to all the things you wanted to do (but didn’t have time for). You now enjoy the freedom to travel, volunteer, or simply sleep in for a change.

Money Mondays

Are You Financially Ready to Have Kids?

Perhaps a better question is: will you ever be ready? Kids are expensive, in case you didn’t know. Statistics keep changing, but people generally seem to agree that the cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is approximately $200,000. Ouch! And that’s before they even go to college (or continue to live on your couch rent-free…well, don’t worry about that yet). The point is, most people who plan to have a child (or several) don’t have that many Gs on reserve. Does that mean they shouldn’t start trying to conceive?

Money Mondays

How To Save Wisely Using Coupons

Everybody loves to save money! In today’s world where money is tighter than ever, and we are all having to make cut backs wherever we can, coupons provide the perfect way to save some regular cash.

If you have never heard of, or used coupons before then read on and learn how to get the best from the coupon saving world!

Money Mondays

Get out of Debt by Summer’s End

carrying debt

Getting into debt is always easier (and generally more fun) than digging your way out of it. You sure loved those little ankle boots when you bought them on credit (only $100 on sale!) but now that they’ve been sitting in your closet for three months, you’re beginning to wonder if they’re really worth the exorbitant amount of money you’ll end up paying in interest for them (you suddenly realize that they’ve cost you almost double what you thought…ouch).

Money Mondays

Best Investments for the Year

money and investing, investing, stocks,

If you’re like most people who have owned stocks for at least the last few years, then you probably got hosed as the market fell (apparently the term “crash” does not apply, regardless of the similarly catastrophic outcome). Many Americans pulled out of the race completely (some not by choice) as the stock market plummeted, and some never went back.

Money Mondays

Furnish a First Home with Money to Spare

Buying a first house can be an exhilarating experience. However, that feeling can quickly disappear when thoughts then turn to furnishing your new home and you realise how little spare cash you have left! Fortunately, there are some easy ways to make that first house a home without compromising the budget.

Money Mondays

Credit Card Finder Minimalism Series Part 2 – Top 13 Frugal iPhone Applications To Help You Save

If you are a frugal person like myself you probably think that the iPhone is an indulgence that is simply not in the budget. While the initial investment in it is costly, over time the iPhone can actually save you money. By figuring out which of the applications can help you cut costs and find the best deals, your iPhone will quickly become a budget boon rather then a budget buster. Listed here are some of the top money saving applications that you too can use to save money.

Money Mondays Movies

Top 5 Movies About Poor People Getting Rich

Most of us are never going to be extraordinarily wealthy. It’s that simple. Chances are we might save up a bit of money from time-to-time but we probably won’t be able to afford a Ferrari or a big ‘ol mansion. It’s even harder to accumulate large sums of money if you’re born into a family that is struggling to make ends meet.

Money Mondays

5 Surprising Reasons why Renting may Top Owning

apartment for rent sign

I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s always better to own your own home rather to rent a home or apartment. However, there are actually quite a few reasons why renting could top owning. Yep. You read that right. Someone is telling you that maybe renting is a good option after all! Here are five reasons that you may just want to start looking at apartments for rent.

Money Mondays

Credit Card Finder Minimalism Series Part 1 – How to Live a Minimalist Life and Feel Better Instantly

Many people are turning to the minimalist lifestyle as a way of life. As the cost of living rises, and uncertainty is more prevalent in our lives, it is actually becoming a more viable way of life than it was years ago.What however is the true meaning of minimalism, how can we achieve it, and what are the benefits?

Money Mondays

6 Jobs That Teach Your Kids about Making Money

Providing your child with an allowance is the best way for them to start learning about money. They’ll learn the cost of things and what buying power is but it’s also important that they learn about making money as well. Here are six jobs that teach your kids about making money:

Money Mondays

Live Luxuriously On Your Income

Utah Golf

No one can deny that the lifestyle of the rich and the famous is appealing to all. Unfortunately, not all of us are rich and famous. It is a common misconception that in order to live a luxurious lifestyle, one has to have a luxurious income. While a luxurious income would certainly help, it is not necessary in order to live luxuriously.

Money Mondays

Should I Get a Roth IRA or Traditional IRA?

This guest blog post was written by Brandon Langston of aims to provide consumers free, relevant information about why the Roth Individual Retirement Account makes sense for so many investors. We’d love to answer your questions or hear more from you on twitter or our blog.

Money Mondays

5 Tips for Eating Healthy While Unemployed

Being out of work can be a scary thing. There is a general loss of security in your life, money worries, and you might even be wondering where your next meal will come from. It’s no laughing matter. But nothing to lose hope over either. No matter what your income level, you can still eat healthy and cheaply while you’re between jobs.