So early this beautiful Saturday morning I get a text from someone stating “Bernie Mac Died at 50 :(“
So I’m shocked because I know some time last week he was in the hospitals with pneumonia.
So as a blogger the first thing I did was do my own research, I can’t blog without sources. So I texted a few people, and searched the internet.
Hmm, if Bernie Mac was really dead, I’m guessing MSN.com would have it on their main page, nothing there. Ok, no biggie I say, maybe they too busy covering the 2008 Olympics.
So I did a google search and found two other links but their articles were removed, his death wasn’t supposed to be released yet. So I keep on keeping on my search, I found this one article that everyone seems to be using, Chicago Sun Times, so I read it. I’m wondering is this true?!
Anyways, so I’m blogging right now, I check MSN.com again, because I’m sure they would’ve posted something about it and what do I see now a Breaking News Headline:
Actor and comedian Bernie Mac dies at age 50
He died of complications due to pneumonia, publicist says (MSNBC)
Comedian Bernie Mac Is Dead (NY TIMES)