Fit Fridays

Tips on how to build muscles & lose weight

Many people know how difficult it is to actually lose weight and build muscles at the same time. This can be a fine line which is very hard to achieve. However, it can be done with the proper planning, exercise and nutrition. If you need to know how to lose weight while still being able to put on muscle, the following article will give you some tips which can help you accomplish this.


Celebrity Cheaters: Welcome to the Court of Public Opinion!

Celebrities have it all…money, fame, and all that comes with it. Personal trainers, personal chefs, glamorous homes in the Hollywood Hills filled with glamorous people in designer outfits, dripping with diamonds. They have the life that all of us dream of as we stare at their perfectly airbrushed images in the glossy pages of women’s magazines. So why, oh why, with the whole world at their fingertips, do they feel the need to cheat?

DVD Tuesday

Leap Year, Tooth Fairy, Nine on DVD Tuesday 5/4/10

Leap Year

When Anna’s (Amy Adams) four-year anniversary to her boyfriend passes without an engagement ring, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Inspired by an Irish tradition that allows women to propose to men on Leap Day, Anna follows Jeremy (Adam Scott) to Dublin to propose to him.

Only In NYC Randomness

Latinos Are Unidos – Rally against Arizona Immigration Law

Yesterday, after waiting for the M14 bus going towards the Lower East Side I realized it wasn’t coming so I decided to walk down to 2nd avenue. Once I got towards Union Square Park, I realized why the bus wasn’t coming down this way, there was a HUGE rally against Arizona’s immigration law. It was heartwarming. Thousands of Latinos were united Marching down 4th Avenue, waving their flags and chanting in Spanish.