Money Mondays

5 College Jobs That Don’t Suck

Jamie Alvarez writes for PhD Degree where you can find information about various online colleges and find the school and program that is right for you.

Going to college can be stressful, tiring and most of all, expensive. Most students are struggling to get by paying for groceries, rent, and tuition, surviving on the bare minimum. Although having a job while taking a full load of classes can be difficult, it can also be very rewarding and help minimize your debt. Finding the perfect job to meet your busy schedule may not be easy, but when you do find the right job, you won’t regret it. Here are five college jobs that are actually enjoyable and will help you survive these intense four years.

  1. Library Clerk. Chances are you will already be spending a significant amount of time at the library studying for midterms, or final. Why not work there? The library offers part time jobs to students, knowing that students need to make time for studying. Some aspects of your job may include data entry, clerical tasks, and helping at the information desk.
  2. Pet Sitting and Babysitting. This can be a great way to earn a little extra money during the weekend when you have more time available. These jobs are usually high in demand and can be found on the Internet, or possibly from some of your professors. Once parents find out you are available, your job offers will most likely increase. These jobs are typically easy and pay well. Also, chances are you can bring your homework along to catch up on work after the kids go to sleep.
  3. Secretary For An Academic Department. While most secretaries have a heavy workload, working for your college tends to be more flexible with students busy schedules. Most of the secretarial jobs are part time to accommodate classes and extracurricular activities. Try working for a department that you have a particular interest in that would go along with your major. This will look good on your resume, while also building important relationships with coworkers.
  4. Technical Support. Most college students are computer savvy, and for those of you that are studying engineering, or computer science, working in the computer lab can be an ideal job. This will not only help you gain experience in your field, but will also provide you with adequate time to work on your homework while you are at the computer lab.
  5. Blogging. For those of you that enjoy writing, consider starting a blog about something you are passionate about, or your life as a college student. Feature advertisements to earn some revenue, or look into a sponsorship program that will help your blog earn money. Consider adding a donation button to your blog and mention to your audience that it is going towards tuition, or maybe a study abroad opportunity. This could become a great hobby that could eventually turn into a job. If it becomes something you really enjoy doing on your down time, look into become a permanent writer for other blogs that will pay you for articles. This may be just the thing you need to help you improve your writing skills for all those essays you need to write.

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2 replies on “5 College Jobs That Don’t Suck”

These are some great ideas. I worked on campus. The easiest thing to do is find a job at your school because you can have them work around your classes…. sometimes, that can be the biggest hassle about finding a job and going to college.

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