You’ve created a brand for yourself now how do you market it?! Whether you’re a blogger or a small business person having a brand is very important. What’s more important is marketing your brand. Marketing helps people find you, know who you are and creates conversation and curiosity. Below are some great ways to help you better market yourself online and offline.
• T-shirts – I am a huge fan of promotional T-Shirts. When I first got a twitter account I knew I had to get a shirt with my Twitter handle and so I did. My shirt was very simple: @ArieRich on the front and a “Tweet Tweet” on the back. I added the Tweet Tweet on the back as a hint that this was my Twitter handle. I’ve worn this shirt several times and I’ve gotten a lot of compliments and hopefully a few followers because of it. Shirts for events or to promote your blog are also very helpful when marketing your brand.
• Buttons – buttons are a cool way to brand yourself. I use Zazzle to custom make buttons with my blog’s name. I like my buttons to be small, they are much more cuter and much more likely to be worn by friends and family. Buttons are great promotional/giveaway items at events.
• Stickers – I love stickers!! But stickers can be pricey. And they can destructive to people’s properties. Especially on the trains, bus, public parks and train stations etc… It gets the word out about your site but it is also against the law to stick them in these places. So if you make stickers, stick them on yourself, your notepads, laptops, etc… You can promote your brand this way.
• Pens – promotional pens with your blog name are a great way to promote your brand/blog. A couple of inexpensive pens to distribute at a networking event can come in handy.
• Creative Business cards – I am a huge fan of business cards. I like to see everyone’s creative come through in their business cards. One thing I’ve recently started to add to my business card is a QR code to my site. Simple as that. (See image above)
QR codes are everywhere and many are learning how to use them and/or scan them. I’ve notices that not many bloggers or marketers are using QR codes as much as they should, so get out there and get creative with it. Marketing is about that creativity, and one thing that us bloggers have is creativity, so get creative with it.
5 replies on “5 Great Ways to Market Your Brand”
I’m very lucky to get this information.Promotional gifts are simple but effective.
This is an great article about promotional product or other prodect.
These are some good old school methods of guerrilla marketing. The t-shirt idea is something we're definitely looking at.
Yes definitively! can\’t forget about old school marketing, they do work.
RT @ArieRich: #blogchat a few weeks ago I wrote a post on ways to market ur brand which might be helpful to some. http://kmpblog.com/2011/01/5-great-ways-to-market-your-brand/. #km …