Blogging Tips

How Would You Save the World?

How would you start saving the world if you woke up tomorrow with superhuman powers?! This is a tough question to answer without sounding a bit crazy. Even with superhuman powers I don’t know if I could save the world. Perhaps if my superpower was to change people’s minds and mentality, I don’t know if I could save the world.

When you think about it, it’s not the world that needs saving, it’s the people/humans that need to be saved. I am curious to learn how others plan to save the world if they had the superhuman powers to do it.

Below are some blog posts I came across via Blogher’s NaBloPoMo, this is how other bloggers would save the world:

  • Mrs. Tilmon Says… Being a Difference Maker
  • PaperBlog found it to be difficult.
  • JW Loots is keeping their powers to themselves to raise their kids.
  • Kit Kat Plus Celiac gave an interesting answer, she says she would start saving the environment, and most humans are capable of saving themselves.

How about you? How would you save the world if you had superhuman powers? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

4 replies on “How Would You Save the World?”

I would have the power to touch a person and instill compassion and love. :D
My recent post I Know My Dosha, Now What?

That's an interesting question. Perhaps change people's attitudes to be better human beings and live in peace in this world. :-)

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