Fit Fridays

My First Marathon IS In San Francisco

Nike Women's Marathon San Francisco 2013

If you’ve been following some of my other social media accounts, you’ll know by now that I am currently training for my first marathon.

No, I am not running ING NYC Marathon in November. Instead, I will be joining some of my favorite runners and we will be running the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco.

Yes, I am flying ALL the way to San Francisco to run my FIRST marathon.

Yes, there will be HILLS… Intense, challenging hills, that I am willing to take upon.

Hills San Francisco

Many of my peers, friends and family continuously ask me the same questions: Why San Francisco? Do you know there are HILLS in San Francisco? How are you training for those hills while in NYC? You do know there aren’t many hills in NYC.

  • Why NOT San Francisco?! If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. I like to be challenged, San Francisco is a great challenge for a first marathon, I think.


  • Yes, I know there are hills in San Francisco. Hills with beautiful views. Can’t wait!

  • How am I training for those hills?! Great question! I’m putting my trust in my training plan, and I am also adding a few treadmill and outdoors hill runs along with my training plan. I know that even if most of my outdoor runs are on flat or somewhat hilly (not as hilly as San Francisco), but hilly enough to feel the difference, I will be able to tackle those San Francisco hills even if I have to speed walk it.

The training plan provided by Nike, provides not just runs but also weight training days to help you build strong legs and core to be able to sustain their course. Trust Your Training Plan.

The treadmill hill run workout I’m using might not seem all that challenging to an experience runner. I’m far from experience as I’ve been running for less than 8 months. So I find this hill workout somewhat challenging, which I like.

Hill runsI use this hill run once a week along with my Nike training plan.

  • There aren’t many hills in NYC, the most intense hills I’ve seen in NYC are located in the Bronx.

So there you have it. I welcome you to join me in my journey to my first marathon. Any positive vibes would be greatly appreciated. I hope that I can inspire you to someday run/walk your first marathon or perhaps a half marathon. Regardless of what you decide to do, don’t be afraid to JUST DO IT.

SOURCES: Run Nike Women Series, FitSugar

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