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74 replies on “Wonder the Movie – DVD Giveaway”
I’ve donated items to the food pantry at my Mom’s church.
Whether it’s donating Christmas gifts or Thanksgiving dinner, to holding open a door for someone…we try to do something kind and selfless each and every day.
I help the needy during the holidays in downtown la
Can’t think of any grand gestures, but just small things here and there.
I turned the television off for my Grandfather while watching the 2016 election results.
i gave a car to a needy friend.
Helping my elderly neighbor lady in a lot of ways was the nicest thing I’ve done. I put out her garbage and recycling every week, I took her to appointments, and I sometimes cooked for her.
Helped a family that was in need.
We donate food & winter coats.
I’m a catsitter and every Christmas, I made custom cards for my 250 clients with photos of their cats. :)
I try to do nice things for people at least once a day. Even small things. One example is pay for the person behind me in line at mcdonalds.
The nicest thing I have done for someone is pay for their meals at a restaurant.
I am not sure but I do try to be there for people when they need it. I donate to cat rescues a lot since cats can not help themselves they deserve our help.
I think the nicest thing I have done for someone is to let them use my second car for 6 months so they could find a job. I also put gas in the car for them each week.
My husband and I adopted a family for Christmas.
I’ve supported many men in getting what they wanted out of life and helping them gain carers.
I have donated my hair 3 times
I bought a bunch of goods for a family in need.
I don’t talk about the nice things I have done. I just don’t.
Gosh, that sounds prideful to answer that…let’s just say I run a program to help the homeless. Thanks and God Bless!
not returned the evil they sent to me
I would say donating to our local food shelf
I surprised my best friend with a vacation! Thanks so much for the chances To win
I try to do small nice things on a regular basis, like buying groceries for the person in front of me that had their card declined or passing it along in the Starbuck’s line.
I volunteer at several food pantries a year.
I volunteer with a couple rescue groups
Donated/helped those less fortunate in our community
I recently paid the bill for a random customer at the grocery store.
Given unconditional love.
One Christmas, I only bought gifts for my family from companies that would also give a percentage to charity.
A few friends and I were able to grant the dying wish of a young girl who wanted to see a Broadway show.
I nanny 3 kids for free
I mowed by neighbors lawn when she was recovering from surgery.
I have helped build homes for families in Mexico.
I have donated to our local food bank many times and give stuff away when I see someone in need.
I let a friend live me for a while rent free until they could get back on their feet.
One nice thing–I just hosted a giveaway and the recipient of the prize was very grateful !
I gave some money to a man who was homeless. I supposed to use it for bus fare, but I thought that the man was more important.
I sent my sister patio furniture because she needed shade in Florida.
When I was a young teenager and my parents would go out to just a movie night, I would fix dinner and have it waiting as a surprise when they got home for them and my 4 brothers. They always liked that.
paid for someone’s groceries (yes i didin’t know them)
The nicest thing I have ever done was provide a whole family with Christmas gifts and dinner. It was a great feeling to help them.
I make dinner for my sister.
Loaned my friend money
That’s a tough question, but I would guess one of the nicer things I did was placing a work dog with a family member. They loved that dog and she lived a very long and happy life with them. But that is from my point of view, maybe the tie dyes I make and give away are something other people think is the nicest thing I do. Like I said, tough question.
I bought a stranger dinner without them knowing. He was a veteran thatI identified by the hat he wore.
I guess the nicest thing I’ve ever done for anyone is give a friend $2,000 to help her leave a bad marriage.
Don’t know if it is the nicest, but had a friend having a hard time, so I decorated the whole front of his house with smiley faces while he was at work.
Paid their car bill.
bought presents for Christmas for a needy family.