Broadway En Español Latino Latinx

Durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana en Nueva York, una opción es disfrutar de MJ The Musical

En el marco del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, estamos destacando el éxito récord de MJ The Musical, que cuenta con la participación del coreógrafo asociado latino Michael Balderrama: Playbill – Michael Balderrama MJ The Musical se une con orgullo a esta celebración que rinde homenaje a las ricas tradiciones, el legado y las valiosas contribuciones de la comunidad hispana, […]


Wicked on Broadway


Earlie this year, I went to see Wicked for my birthday. I had been dying to see this play, I’ve heard wonderful things about it so I had to go see it. Wicked is the back story of The Wizard of Oz, from the witches point of view. It was very interesting to see/hear their […]


Three One-Act Comedies, One Great Play – Relatively Speaking on Broadway

Relatively Speaking on Broadway poster

  3 One-Act comedies makes this fantastic, Broadway play, Relatively Speaking. Each act is unique, fun, and interestingly funny. It’ll make you wonder if your family is like each of these acts. Talking Cure is the first act of Relatively Speaking. In this act, writer Ethan Coen, (Burn After Reading, No Country for Old Man, […]


Do You Speak Chinglish?

Chinglish on Broadway

Broadway has a new play in town, Chinglish, and tickets are currently on sale through February 19, 2012. Chinglish it’s an absolutely hilarious and exciting comedy play, that will keep you laughing all night long. Chinglish is about a business/salesman for a signage company that wants to help the Chinese Government fix their poorly English […]


Seminar starring Alan Rickman on Broadway

seminar on broadway

If you think Professor Snape was kinda evil in the Harry Potter movie series?! Wait til you meet Leonard, Alan Rickman’s character in this new Broadway play Seminar. Seminar is about four aspiring young writers trying to get their book published by seeking help from Leonard a well-seasoned writer, whom they hire to teach a […]


Lysistrata Jones – A Must See Broadway Musical

image source: What do you get when a bubbly and enthusiastic female transfer-student tries to help a basketball team, that hasn’t won a game in over 30 years, turn things around?! A super awesome, fun, hip Broadway musical called Lysistrata Jones. Once off-Broadway, Lysistrata Jones has gained it’s rightful place in Broadway. I had […]