
Where Were You on September 11th, 2001?


Where were you on September 11, 2001?!* (Share your September 11 stories in the comments section) I know where I was and I remember that day like it was yesterday. The images are still instilled in my head like a bad horror flick, watching it live on TV as it happened, was just something that […]


D Blades Hate it or Love It Remix

The Game ft. 50 CentHate it or Love itD Blades Remix(Click the link above, to view the video) So what do you think of the remix?!Share your opinion in the comments section. *For more information visit: D Blades Productions *Whatever Wednesdays*


WOW – Jockin’ Jay Z video

Wow, this is kinda funny, please watch: Jockin’ Jay Z Video: *For more information visit: Media Take Out or P Nash Media*Whatever Wednesdays*


ChaCha Guide


If you use Google to search for answers then you might know how ChaCha works. Send any question via text message to CHACHA (242242), and a human (ChaCha guide) will search the Internet for the answer.Within a minute or two, you’ll receive an answer and a link to its source. Want to become a ChaCha […]


Is Bernie Mac Really Dead?!

Bernie Mac

So early this beautiful Saturday morning I get a text from someone stating “Bernie Mac Died at 50 :(“So I’m shocked because I know some time last week he was in the hospitals with pneumonia.So as a blogger the first thing I did was do my own research, I can’t blog without sources. So I […]