Tips Tuesdays

9 Clever Web Tricks

Turn Wi-Fi thieves’ worlds upside down The problem: You took the time and expense to set up a wireless Internet connection at your place. But you’re pretty sure that the cheapskate next door is stealing it — that is, connecting to the Internet on your dime. The trick: With the help of a lovely little […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips on Keeping Friendships Strong


1. Remember birthdays; it guarantees that you get in touch at least once a year. 2. Consider standing dates that make getting together easier: a baseball game every Fourth of July, a monthly brunch, a book group. 3. Keep a friend’s needs in mind—by passing along useful information, setting up a blind date, making a […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Emailing Tips


Below are 10 email tips to help you perfect your emailing. I. Different email accounts for different purposes.It is is good to have separate email accounts for separate purposes. Have one for business and one for social fun. Make it a habit to check your personal email in the evening and business emails in the […]

Tips Tuesdays

Top 10 Small Cities to Live

Green, park

Plentiful jobs, excellent schools, affordable housing. See the Top 10 Small Cities that made the list for having all that and more. 1) Plymouth, MN Pop: 70,100 Median family income (per year)$111,631 Racial diversity index (100 is national average; higher numbers indicate greater diversity)49.7 2) Fort Collins, COPop: 129,400 Median family income: $76,172 Racial diversity […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips On Being Punctual


Don’t check your email or voicemail right before you leave. That “last quick check” will almost always take more time than you think — which is, after all, what you’re hoping for. Plan for trouble. Always add 25% to your time estimate to get anywhere or do any task. If you think it takes 30 […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Funny But Useful Office Tips

messy desk

I. Never walk without a document in your hands People with documents in their hands look like hardworking employees heading for important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they’re heading for the canteen. People with a newspaper in their hand look like they’re heading for the toilet. Above all, make sure you […]

Tips Tuesdays

4 Tips for Wearing Heels

Christian Louboutini

Comfort is the keyWalk around the house a bit. Anyplace that you feel a little bit of pressure, that’s gonna be a painful spot. So that’s where you want to go in and strategically pad up your stiletto with a gel pad or some moleskin. You can cut it up and put it where you […]

Tips Tuesdays

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

Here are some tips, to help you take care of that nasty cold you got, during the summer.REST!!! When you sleep, your body is able to fight infections more effectively, even minor ones like colds. So just going to bed an hour or two earlier will help your body recover more quickly. Drink more fluidsWater […]

Tips Tuesdays

7 Tips to Avoid a Hangover


I. Water, water and water Water is the key to get over the hangover. Drink plenty of water. Alcohol has a tendency to dehydrate your body. If you want to stay away from overindulging in wine or alcohol, the best way is to have a glass of water for each glass of wine/alcohol you have. […]

Tips Tuesdays

20 Things To Accomplish in 15 Minutes

1. Stretch. Stretch for 15 minutes every day helps you become more flexible. It will facilitate blood flow throughout your body. This flow will improve your overall health and improve your mental focus. 2. Read. Pick a time when you can read, without interruptions, for a solid 15 minutes each day. You’ll find that you’re […]


The iPhone 3G is HERE!!


Yes, the Apple iPhone 3G is finally here!! The iPhones started selling today since 8am. Apple fans have been camping outside Apple stores since Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 or earlier. Other excited fans paid $1,200 to stand on line for them. I really hope the hype is worth it!! Old iPhone New iPhone 3G *For […]

Tips Tuesdays

14 Brain Boosting Tips


Eat AlmondsAlmond is believed to improve memory. If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is prepared by crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it. Drink Apple JuiceResearch […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips to keeping cool w/o AC

Keeping cool cartoon

Tips for those without AC Wet your wrists and other pulse points with cold water. Use a piece of ice wrapped in a face cloth, to continue after the coolness wears off. Constantly cooling off the wrists will also cool off the body. Never use just ice; make sure it is wrapped in a towel […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips to Beauty

Beauty Tips

1. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and veggieseat color: orange foods such as carrots, pumpkins, dried apricots. Leafy Greens and yellow foods such as Grapefruits and lemons. 2. Take a high-quality multivitamin every day. 3. Fat-in moderation- is a well-kept but invaluable beauty secret.Body needs unsaturated fats from vegetable oils like olive, corn, […]

Tips Tuesdays

Cleaning on a Budget

cleaning, multitasking

So back to saving yourself some money, Day 2. Today’s blog is about other uses for our household products, instead of buying new products.

For a fabulous glass cleaner, combine rubbing alcohol, water and ammonia or vinegar. You can polish your furniture with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Kill mold with hydrogen peroxide and water. And for an all-purpose, grease-cutting cleaner, combine water, baking soda, vinegar and dish detergent. (First 30 Days)

Tips Tuesdays

14 Tips on Keeping Flowers Fresh


Got Flowers?! Now What: Flowers in a vase, check to make sure all the stems are in the water. If not, refill the vase and cut a little off the bottom of each stem. Use a sharp cutting tool that will not crush the stems. For most flowers a good pair of scissors or pruning […]

Tips Tuesdays

He/She – 5 Signs That Neither One Is Interested

bad relationship

So I was reading a fellow blogger’s blog, I came across the following “relationship” tips. Mr. Fly Guy breaks it really down: 5 Signs That She’s Not Interested: She never meets you alone. “I have to drop my girlfriend off at her man’s house…I’m sorry. I knew we should have driven separate cars.”Yeah right… She […]

Tips Tuesdays

The Fruit Diet


A friend of mine forwarded me the following information and it has made think twice about how I eat fruits and other foods. I hope you find it as useful as I have. We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not so easy […]

Tips Tuesdays

7 Worst and Best Places to Live

Tooth brushes

Worst place for your toothbrush – The bathroom sink.Best Place: The medicine cabinet or nearby cupboard. Worst place for your shoes/sneakers – the bedroom closet. Best Place: is to remove shoes by the door. Worst place to cool leftovers – The refrigerator. Best Place: is to leave food to cool on the counter for up […]

Tips Tuesdays

Fresh Air For Your Home

Air in the house hard to breathe?! Air Purifiers are helpful if you suffer from allergies and/or asthma, but they can also be a bit costly. There’s an economical way to purify the air in your house: HOUSE PLANTS! Certain house plants can work as natural air purifiers to remove organic chemicals and toxins from the […]