Even though Christmas is still months away, and thoughts of mistletoe are the furthest thing from your mind as you laze away the long days of summer by the pool, it’s never too soon to start planning for the busy holiday season. Years past have found you scrambling to come up with those last-minute gifts and fighting desperate moms in the frozen foods section for the one and only ham left in the whole city on Christmas Eve. But picture this instead: come December, all of your gifts are bought, wrapped, and stored neatly in the closet.
If you are a frugal person like myself you probably think that the iPhone is an indulgence that is simply not in the budget. While the initial investment in it is costly, over time the iPhone can actually save you money. By figuring out which of the applications can help you cut costs and find the best deals, your iPhone will quickly become a budget boon rather then a budget buster. Listed here are some of the top money saving applications that you too can use to save money.
If you aren’t on the social media bandwagon, then what are you waiting for? Social media and Twitter in particular is a must-do, especially if you are a website owner who wants to increase your exposure and bring more traffic to your site. The truth is that anyone who is anyone is tweeting, friending, updating, and broadcasting their content and personal brand – if you’re not participating on these sites, you’re not going to be considered credible (exception: you are already famous and are not using social media as a statement).
Most of us are never going to be extraordinarily wealthy. It’s that simple. Chances are we might save up a bit of money from time-to-time but we probably won’t be able to afford a Ferrari or a big ‘ol mansion. It’s even harder to accumulate large sums of money if you’re born into a family that is struggling to make ends meet.
iPhone 4 – The Review
Getting my new iPhone on launch was as painless as I didn’t imagine. I think the most painful thing was waiting for it to launch and leaving the Blackberry team. Arriving at the Apple Store on 5th Avenue around 1:40pm, and seeing the line for the non-preorder made me appreciate waking up early on June 15th to Pre-order mine. A lil lack of sleep paid off. The pre-order line was very short and very organized, both lines were actually.
Apple iPhone 4 lines, not that bad
Yesterday, around 5:30pm I made my way around the Apple Store, location: 5th Avenue to see what the line was looking like and what I’ll be facing myself with the following day. As I made my way around to take the pic and record some video, I came across the number one guy on the Pre-order line, Greg Packer. I saw him on Mashable’s video the day before, he’s the dude in the bright orange shirt. I asked him how long he’s been here, he stated since Monday.
The lines are somewhat separated, across from where Greg is sitting, is the NON reservations line, the people with no pre-orders hoping to get a phone on June 24th.
Top 5 Summer Films You Shouldn’t Miss
Summer is a time of freedom; freedom from school, stress, and hopefully work (as many Americans take off for vacation). And there is no better way to spend a lazy summer afternoon than by beating the heat in a lovely air-conditioned theater. But with studios throwing everything they’ve got into making that gold-mine blockbuster that will revitalize their sales, it’s hard to sort through the hype and get to the heart of which movies are actually worth seeing. So here are a few for summer 2010 that you can’t afford to miss.
I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s always better to own your own home rather to rent a home or apartment. However, there are actually quite a few reasons why renting could top owning. Yep. You read that right. Someone is telling you that maybe renting is a good option after all! Here are five reasons that you may just want to start looking at apartments for rent.
Many people are turning to the minimalist lifestyle as a way of life. As the cost of living rises, and uncertainty is more prevalent in our lives, it is actually becoming a more viable way of life than it was years ago.What however is the true meaning of minimalism, how can we achieve it, and what are the benefits?
Best Methods For Toning Your Legs
If you’re looking to reshape your lower body, figuring out the best exercises for toning your legs should be a priority. For many people, the legs are the one area that does tend to be quite a trouble spot as we naturally tend to store fat there and have a bit harder of a time losing the fat from this area.
Not so long ago, I attended a MediaBistro Book Club, and I am glad I did. I got to hear about some really great books in shelves today. Amongst these great books was a fabulous book that I carry with me very often and use it for reference and guidance, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing, by Jennifer Abernethy.
Live Luxuriously On Your Income
No one can deny that the lifestyle of the rich and the famous is appealing to all. Unfortunately, not all of us are rich and famous. It is a common misconception that in order to live a luxurious lifestyle, one has to have a luxurious income. While a luxurious income would certainly help, it is not necessary in order to live luxuriously.
If you’re chasing after the goal to get six pack abs, performing some regular bodyweight exercises can help you get there faster. Remember that clearly seeing your ab muscles will come down to maintaining a level of body fat that’s low enough, but once you’re working on your diet to accomplish that, the following will nicely tone and define the whole abdominal region.
Being out of work can be a scary thing. There is a general loss of security in your life, money worries, and you might even be wondering where your next meal will come from. It’s no laughing matter. But nothing to lose hope over either. No matter what your income level, you can still eat healthy and cheaply while you’re between jobs.
Top 10 Songs About Money
Do you have a demanding work schedule or busy social life that stops you from eating and exercising as you should in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle? There are a lot of people that are having troubles finding the time to lose weight, but there are still ways that you can drop a few pounds even if you lead a busy lifestyle.
College Degrees That Deliver
In an economic downturn, it’s more important than ever to be cognizant of which careers are on the rise and to plan your college education accordingly. Since our country is in a recession, with unemployment rates higher than they’ve been in almost thirty years, choosing the right career path can mean getting your dream job right after graduation, rather than holding the part-time fast-food gig that got you through school. Here are a few fields that look to fit the bill in coming years.