
FGM – The Rhinestone King


While looking for a way to express/promote my blog for my upcoming event Blog Café 1.0, I thought that having my blog website on a t-shirt would be a great, yet simple way to promote. So I wanted just a tad bit more, so I thought about what would make it “standout” so then it […]

Travel Thursdays

The Know-Before-You-Board List

Nothing annoys me more than going to the airport and having to deal with people that apparently are not up to date with traveling rules and regulations on what to bring on the plane, when going through checkpoint. The worst is to be slowed down and wait so much longer because someone is bringing a […]

Tips Tuesdays

The Day “Tweets” Stood Still

Today, August 6, 2009 was the day that Tweeples/Twitterers stood still… For those of you Twitaddicts, that felt the pain, aggravation, and devastation of not being able to Tweet for almost a FULL day from your phone or half a day from your computers, I also felt that pain!Wow! If that’s just a day without […]


Eat This Not That in 129 Tweets

I Tweeted the following info on my Twitter page about a month ago, while I was reading: Eat This, Not That – The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution! by: David Zinczenko

I thought this would be something useful to go back to and read, so here they are…


About Me

Hmm… a little bout myself….let’s see: I am……different…artistic…creative…unique…loyal…friendly…a bitch…rude…sincere…HONEST…a good friend…a homebody…a morning person…impatient…organized…a tomboy…a gamer I love video games, (BRING IT!)…hopeless romantic…a leader and a follower…always thinking…always doing something (Sin Limites Arie (No Limit))…a giver…caring…an OPTIMIST…ME! You can LOVE me or HATE me it is all the same to me! :-) This is my […]

The Interviews

Robert Ortiz – Poetry with a Twist

¡YO SOY BORICUA! ¿Y QUE? by: Robert Ortiz ¡Yo soy boricua! ¿Y que? Just because I don’t have the right acento Or callos on my feet from walking around the campos Or know how it is to live as a jibarito Does that make me an automatic gringito? So what, I don’t have stories of […]


MJ’s Memorial Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Movie Reviews

Transformers 2 – Revenge of the Fallen (REVIEW)

For those that have not yet seen the movie, I’ll do my best not to spoil it for you.
For those that saw it, please share your thoughts in the comments section.

It is no surprise that the movie was sold out on the first day it came out, Wednesday. I was fortunate to have gotten my tickets a day or two in advanced.
The line to go see the movie was of course LONG, but not as long as was the line for Dark Knight or Sex and the City.


Nice Dumplings…Indeed!

You’ve never had Chinese dumplings like this before. I am not a huge fan of Chinese Dumplings but after I tried Rickshaw’s Dumplings! OMG, Speechless! They are amazing! It’s hard to describe the flavor, all I know is that they are very tasty and satisfying. The menu can be very confusing at first but once […]

Tips Tuesdays

The Greatest Success in the World

Someone allowed me to borrow this book, and after reading it I am sooo glad I did. It is the best book I’ve read in a long time. I did not just read this book, I made sure I took notes and shared my notes with others via Twitter and email to my friends and […]


What Would Your Last Lecture Be…

“Hypothetically if you knew you were going to die and you had one last lecture what would you say?!” Randy Pausch Earlier today I was asked to watch the video below and after 10 minutes, all sorts of emotions came over me. Hard to describe them, but let’s just say that I was feeling down […]

The Interviews

Raeven Western…A Dreamer, A Believer, an Achiever!!

pushy dreamers

“I Believe In My Dreams” by Raeven Western Click here to purchase a bracelet Young, sophisticated, enthusiastic, always sunny, positive and enlightening, Raeven Western is definitively all that and much more. Full of positive energy Ms. Western starts her morning as bright as the sun, ready to shine and spread positivity and encouragement on all […]

Travel Thursdays

JetBlue Flies to LAX

jetblue engine

Starting June 17, 2009, JetBlue airlines will be flying to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport. This is HUGE because we all know how we hate traveling for 5 plus hours to California and not have Direct TV or comfortable seats!!!!! I am sooooo booking my flight! *This is a repost from an original post date: […]

Tips Tuesdays

Cover Your Cough…

…Swine Flu is everywhere!! Click here to purchase this cool button!! So this is the latest information on the Swine Flu outbreak according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), some States with the highest number of cases are: Illinois (394), Wisconsin (240), New York (174), Arizona (131), and California (107). I am […]

Travel Thursdays

Pros and Cons of Visiting Aruba

palm beach, aruba

After a well deserved vacation to Aruba, I am now back to the States. Not super excited, but I am excited to share my Aruba vacation with my blog readers, and list some of the PROs and CONs of visiting Aruba.


The Day Has Finally Come

How some of us will be feeling when we wake up on January 20th, 2009?! January 20 — Inauguration Day Time Event 8:00 AM Gates open for ticketed attendees — if you have tickets, it will be wise to arrive very early as crowds will be huge and security heavy. 10:00 AM Preliminary festivities begin, […]


Entrecard Droppers!

Bread:Money would like to give special thanks to my TOP 10 Entrecard droppers in the last month. Thanks for visiting!! Bread:Money gives Super Special Thanks and Bread:Money love/icon award to Bingo Sites Online for Women for being the TOP Dropper this week!! Dropper Bingo Sites Online for Women Parched No More Whatever Comes To My […]


Elia Salon

So this past Holiday weekend, I was on search for a great new look, and a new haircut. I am very picky with my hair and lately I have been disappointed with my current stylist because she didn’t quite wanted to cut my hair every time I went over. So I decided to find me […]

Money Mondays

Take The Initiative


On Taking Initiative Whether he or she knows it or not, every manager needs every employee to participate and to speak up, just as every employee needs to be respected, trusted and valued to play a part in the big picture. For no one person has all the answers and no manager knows any job […]