
Where Were You on September 11th, 2001?


Where were you on September 11, 2001?!* (Share your September 11 stories in the comments section) I know where I was and I remember that day like it was yesterday. The images are still instilled in my head like a bad horror flick, watching it live on TV as it happened, was just something that […]


D Blades Hate it or Love It Remix

The Game ft. 50 CentHate it or Love itD Blades Remix(Click the link above, to view the video) So what do you think of the remix?!Share your opinion in the comments section. *For more information visit: D Blades Productions *Whatever Wednesdays*

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips on Keeping Friendships Strong


1. Remember birthdays; it guarantees that you get in touch at least once a year. 2. Consider standing dates that make getting together easier: a baseball game every Fourth of July, a monthly brunch, a book group. 3. Keep a friend’s needs in mind—by passing along useful information, setting up a blind date, making a […]

Money Mondays

10 Most and Least Money Making Businesses to Start

business, accountant

While browsing through, I came across this interesting article on Money-making businesses to start. I know we all go through phases where we would like to start our own business, well below are some of the most and least profitable businesses to start. Maybe this can give you an idea on where to start. […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Emailing Tips


Below are 10 email tips to help you perfect your emailing. I. Different email accounts for different purposes.It is is good to have separate email accounts for separate purposes. Have one for business and one for social fun. Make it a habit to check your personal email in the evening and business emails in the […]

Tips Tuesdays

Top 10 Small Cities to Live

Green, park

Plentiful jobs, excellent schools, affordable housing. See the Top 10 Small Cities that made the list for having all that and more. 1) Plymouth, MN Pop: 70,100 Median family income (per year)$111,631 Racial diversity index (100 is national average; higher numbers indicate greater diversity)49.7 2) Fort Collins, COPop: 129,400 Median family income: $76,172 Racial diversity […]

Money Mondays

Top States for Best and Worst Jobs

Hired, Happy Girl

The best… Location is everything. The unemployment rate is the ratio of job seekers to the working population. Therefore, a low percentage means few people are having any difficulty finding work. If you’re looking for a job, you want to be in a state that has an unemployment rate lower than the national average, which […]


WOW – Jockin’ Jay Z video

Wow, this is kinda funny, please watch: Jockin’ Jay Z Video: *For more information visit: Media Take Out or P Nash Media*Whatever Wednesdays*

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips On Being Punctual


Don’t check your email or voicemail right before you leave. That “last quick check” will almost always take more time than you think — which is, after all, what you’re hoping for. Plan for trouble. Always add 25% to your time estimate to get anywhere or do any task. If you think it takes 30 […]

Money Mondays

8 Questions to Ask Before You Go Shopping

woman shopping

Can I buy it for less? Comparison shop. Find it on sale. Negotiate. Look for a recycled one in the newspaper, at garage sales or consignment stores, on ebay or craigslist. Avoid the mall. Will I change my mind? Usually when you leave a store to comparison shop, you’ll stop wanting it. Advertisers and retail […]

Movie Reviews

Tropic Thunder – KMP’s Review

Tropic Thunder

KMP’s Thumbs: (4 out of 5 thumbs) Tropic Thunder, wow, this movie was BANANAS. I believe I shed a tear from all the laughing. Crazy movie, love the cast, and the cameo appearances. Just when you think it “goes too far” with the jokes, they find a way to turn it down. I loved it. […]


ChaCha Guide


If you use Google to search for answers then you might know how ChaCha works. Send any question via text message to CHACHA (242242), and a human (ChaCha guide) will search the Internet for the answer.Within a minute or two, you’ll receive an answer and a link to its source. Want to become a ChaCha […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Funny But Useful Office Tips

messy desk

I. Never walk without a document in your hands People with documents in their hands look like hardworking employees heading for important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they’re heading for the canteen. People with a newspaper in their hand look like they’re heading for the toilet. Above all, make sure you […]


Is Bernie Mac Really Dead?!

Bernie Mac

So early this beautiful Saturday morning I get a text from someone stating “Bernie Mac Died at 50 :(“So I’m shocked because I know some time last week he was in the hospitals with pneumonia.So as a blogger the first thing I did was do my own research, I can’t blog without sources. So I […]

Movie Reviews

Dark Knight’s Insane Records

Joker, Dark Knight Joker

So it has been 19 days since the Dark Knight debuted and it has been killing, murdering, slashing through those records. Let’s see:

Opening weekend sales
Approximately $155 Million beating Spiderman 2’s record

Tips Tuesdays

4 Tips for Wearing Heels

Christian Louboutini

Comfort is the keyWalk around the house a bit. Anyplace that you feel a little bit of pressure, that’s gonna be a painful spot. So that’s where you want to go in and strategically pad up your stiletto with a gel pad or some moleskin. You can cut it up and put it where you […]

Money Mondays

4 Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

Credit Score

1. Pay off your debt One of the fastest and most efficient ways to improve your credit score is to pay off the high balances on your credit card. This could improve your credit score by 60 to 70 points. Credit bureaus use this information to predict how much of a credit risk you are […]

Tips Tuesdays

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

Here are some tips, to help you take care of that nasty cold you got, during the summer.REST!!! When you sleep, your body is able to fight infections more effectively, even minor ones like colds. So just going to bed an hour or two earlier will help your body recover more quickly. Drink more fluidsWater […]

Money Mondays

Save on your Cell Bill


Track Your Talk Time Going over your minutes?! Then, keep track of them. Sign up with, (a free service) and you’ll receive an e-mail or text message to let you know when you’re about to run out of minutes. Use the Same Plan as Friends and Family Many cell phone service providers offer free […]

Money Mondays

Minimum Wage Goes Up


 Effective July 24, 2008, the national minimum wage will up from $5.85/hr to $6.55/hr (that’s some good news, I remember making a whole lot less than that)     *For more information visit: US Department of Labor