Fit Fridays

Get Fit with WiiFit


So earlier this week Nintendo Wii, came out with a fabulous new game the Nintendo Wii Fit. What’s so fabulous about this game?! You should see it for yourself: WiiFit – A New Way of Working out at home The Pros: Balance board is a great new peripheral Exercises will help your balance and strength […]

Tips Tuesdays

10 Tips to Beauty

Beauty Tips

1. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and veggieseat color: orange foods such as carrots, pumpkins, dried apricots. Leafy Greens and yellow foods such as Grapefruits and lemons. 2. Take a high-quality multivitamin every day. 3. Fat-in moderation- is a well-kept but invaluable beauty secret.Body needs unsaturated fats from vegetable oils like olive, corn, […]

Money Mondays

4 Tips to Lower Your Bills

Eliminate your landline and use Skype instead You can call any number in the U.S. and Canada and it only costs $2.95 a month – plus you get some minutes to use calling anywhere in the world. Switch banks for primary savings and checking It helps saves money on those annoying fees, and you can […]

Tips Tuesdays

Cleaning on a Budget

cleaning, multitasking

So back to saving yourself some money, Day 2. Today’s blog is about other uses for our household products, instead of buying new products.

For a fabulous glass cleaner, combine rubbing alcohol, water and ammonia or vinegar. You can polish your furniture with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Kill mold with hydrogen peroxide and water. And for an all-purpose, grease-cutting cleaner, combine water, baking soda, vinegar and dish detergent. (First 30 Days)

Tips Tuesdays

14 Tips on Keeping Flowers Fresh


Got Flowers?! Now What: Flowers in a vase, check to make sure all the stems are in the water. If not, refill the vase and cut a little off the bottom of each stem. Use a sharp cutting tool that will not crush the stems. For most flowers a good pair of scissors or pruning […]

Money Mondays

Ten Bad Money Habits

debt cartoon

1: Misusing balance transfers If you can’t refrain from charging, balance transfers won’t get you out of debt. If you’re really in the hole, consider getting a part-time job and dedicating your earnings to your debt load. If that’s not possible, go back to your budget and cut back on unnecessary expenses such as restaurant […]

The Interviews

Brooklyn’s Finest – Charlie Hustle

KMP’s exclusive interview with Brooklyn’s finest hip hop artist, Charlie Hustle. Q. What do you think of hip hop music today? A. I’m just happy that Hip Hop still exist, there’s very {little} talent getting exposed. Q. How long have you been in the music industry? A. I {have} been doing this for a {little} […]

Tips Tuesdays

He/She – 5 Signs That Neither One Is Interested

bad relationship

So I was reading a fellow blogger’s blog, I came across the following “relationship” tips. Mr. Fly Guy breaks it really down: 5 Signs That She’s Not Interested: She never meets you alone. “I have to drop my girlfriend off at her man’s house…I’m sorry. I knew we should have driven separate cars.”Yeah right… She […]

Money Mondays



Save Your Receipts and Statements Step 1: Starting today, save every single bill statement, receipt, or check that crosses your desk for at least one month, preferably three months. Keep a “spending notebook” in your pocket. Sort Your Receipts and Statements Step 2: Take all of the receipts/statements/notes/etc. you saved up and start making piles […]

Tips Tuesdays

The Fruit Diet


A friend of mine forwarded me the following information and it has made think twice about how I eat fruits and other foods. I hope you find it as useful as I have. We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not so easy […]

Money Mondays

Cutting Back On Your Expenses

Bubble Bath

Below are some tips to help you cut back on expenses and still making the best of it: Do something that will make you happy (other than shopping). Take a bubble bath, read a book, meditate, watch your favorite movie.  Have a movie night at home. Why spend over $40 at the movies when you […]

The Interviews

DJ Kut’s Kandid Interview

Who is DJ KUT?! St. Louis native DJ KUT is best known for rocking the best parties and captivating millions of listeners’ attention every morning. You might know KUT from The Ed Lover Morning Show, Power 105.1 in NYC or from Quiet Storm, Majic 104.9 in St. Louis. Passionate about his work KUT has had […]

Money Mondays

Tips on Tipping

Tip Jar

Tipping! Do we really have to?! Tipping is meant as a form of THANK YOU for your service, or before a service as a bribe for a special treatment. Below are a few tips on tipping that you’ll find useful: RESTAURANT: Maitre d’: $20 or more, if a special service is performed such as getting […]

Blogging Tips

Bloggers Can Use A Little Break!

Bears lazying around

The Blog Interview for today has been postponed until next week. Yes I know this might be a disappointment for those of you that were expecting an interview. But I promise next week, we’ll have a wonderful interview you won’t want to miss.
Stay Tuned!

Tips Tuesdays

7 Worst and Best Places to Live

Tooth brushes

Worst place for your toothbrush – The bathroom sink.Best Place: The medicine cabinet or nearby cupboard. Worst place for your shoes/sneakers – the bedroom closet. Best Place: is to remove shoes by the door. Worst place to cool leftovers – The refrigerator. Best Place: is to leave food to cool on the counter for up […]

Money Mondays

Job Interview and Resume Preparation

Resume Preparation
Hands on using wireless laptops. Instruction on how to write and design a resume with Microsoft’s Resume Wizard. On-line registration begins on Friday, March 28 at 1:00 pm.

Tips Tuesdays

Fresh Air For Your Home

Air in the house hard to breathe?! Air Purifiers are helpful if you suffer from allergies and/or asthma, but they can also be a bit costly. There’s an economical way to purify the air in your house: HOUSE PLANTS! Certain house plants can work as natural air purifiers to remove organic chemicals and toxins from the […]

Money Mondays

Oprah’s Diet Your Debt

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the bills you have to pay every month? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how you going to pay this month’s bills? This blog will not give you a quick fix for your debt, if it only was that easy, but instead […]


Zeitgeist: Picture Time (REMINDER)

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tribeca Cinemas – Theater 1
54 Varick St, New York, NY
3 shows: 3pm, 6pm, 9pm
Tickets are $10 and everyone will receive a DVD copy of the movie

Tips Tuesdays

Are You Prepared for an Emergency?!

If a disaster were to occur, do you feel you and your family are ready?Did you know that according to the Red Cross, in order to be well prepared you need at least 3 days worth of supplies (which includes food and other necessities)?!Here are 3 easy steps to get ready and be prepared: Get […]