Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 8 Are you an Asset or a Liability?

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This year you should ask yourself this very important question: Are You an Asset or a Liability?
First let’s look at what each means…

According to Webster’s Dictionary, an Asset is a valuable possession or quality, and a Liability is something owed to another: debt; a handicap: disadvantage.

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip #7 – Alexa

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This troubles me somewhat, bloggers that blog sooo much, have great content, somewhat good traffic, but their Alexa rank is in the millions. Ouch! I don’t get it! Why is it that if they write so much content and “supposedly” get all the traffic they say to be getting their, it would show on their Alexa Rank, and it’ll be AT LEAST lower than 500,000.