Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip #11 – Do You Have What it Takes to be a Blogger?

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Article first published as Five Ways to Tell if You Are Ready to Be a Blogger on Blogcritics. Blogging Ain’t Easy! If you ask any blogger out there they will tell you the same thing I am about to tell you, this blogging thing ain’t as easy as we make it out to be. Oh […]

Marketing Tips

5 Great Ways to Market Your Brand

Arie Rich

You’ve created a brand for yourself now how do you market it?! Whether you’re a blogger or a small business person having a brand is very important. What’s more important is marketing your brand. Marketing helps people find you, know who you are and creates conversation and curiosity.

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 8 Are you an Asset or a Liability?

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This year you should ask yourself this very important question: Are You an Asset or a Liability?
First let’s look at what each means…

According to Webster’s Dictionary, an Asset is a valuable possession or quality, and a Liability is something owed to another: debt; a handicap: disadvantage.

Blogging Tips

Blogspot to WordPress Migration – KMP Experience

Blogger to Wordpress Migration

For the last 2 years I have been contemplating on making the switch to Wordpress (WP). Let me explain.

When I first started KMP Blog it has always been through Blogspot aka I have always used Blogspot because it is easy to use and less CSS (complicated computer science stuff)….

Blogging Tips

WordCamp NYC 2009 – 11/14-11/15

WordCampNYC – Nov 14-15

Who: WordCamp New York City 2009 What: Two full days of WordPress-related sessions, announcements and fun When: November 14 – 15, 2009 (Saturday and Sunday) Where: Baruch College (55 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010) Why: To bring together WordPress-using bloggers and non WordPress user bloggers ready to make that switch. You’ll also get a […]

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 3 Blog Reader and Writer, Happily Ever After

hugging the computer, women hugging the computer monitor

First I would like to thank Arie for this opportunity to talk about such an important subject to me, keeping readers loyal. For me this is the essence of the entire business of blogging. My goal is and has always been about building a regular community around my blog with readers and writers that care. From my very first blog a few years ago to the excellent collaboration on Blogussion I have found that keeping readers is far better than having to find new readers everyday. To keep readers I focus on 3 things, sincerity, content, and communication.

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 2 Choosing a Blog Hosting Site?

Blogger and wordpress logo

Wordpress and Blogger are the two most popular blogging sites out there. I use Blogger. I have tried Wordpress, wasn’t feeling it, I guess I didn’t like Wordpress formatting. At the time when I tried Wordpress I had already been using Blogger for about a year, then something happened and I figured I’d give Wordpress a try, but it didn’t work out for me, so I went back to Blogger and purchased a new domain.

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 1 Starting a Blog

starting a blog

A month or two ago, a wonderful young lady contacted me via email and told me she wanted some insight on starting her own blog and wanted to know how to go about it. I was shocked, I am NO professional blogger, and I look up to the real professional Bloggers out there, like ProBlogger, The Huffington Post, Mashable, TechCrunch, LifeHacker, Gizmodo, Engadget, Joystiq, even TMZ to name a few; these people are amazing!! And someday I’ll be just as amazing as them, but as of right now I am just a young apprentice. :-)