Money Mondays

Survey Says: More Americans Are Stretching Tax Refunds Further This Year as Their “Needs” Top Their “Wants”


78 percent vow to spend this year’s tax refund wisely This year, one in two Americans receiving a tax refund (50 percent) say they plan to spend the extra money on bills or other household expenses, as opposed to vacations (15 percent), leisure activities (8 percent) or gifts (4 percent), according to a recent poll […]

Money Mondays

Back to School on a Budget – At Any Age

One of the main reasons that people don’t go back to school is Time. What’s the other one? Money.

You can’t always make more of either of those in your life, but you can change the way you spend them so it seems as though you have more. If you want to have more money for school, you have to spend less in other areas. Even though this is common sense, it can also seem difficult.

Money Mondays

6 Tips to Budgeting

Last year I posted this interesting post on budgeting. I really enjoyed the video, so make sure to watch it when you get a chance. Thanks! KMP 1. Go through previous month transactions and figure out where most of your money is going. 2. Create a budget template that works for you. 3. Set priorities. […]

Money Mondays

10 Money Tips For Women

KMP Blog

Don’t rely on someone else, like a husband or boyfriend, for your financial security. Educate yourself about money management and investing. Set goals – it’s key to financial success. Click here for four ways to set financial goals. Don’t use money to make yourself feel good. That type of high is fleeting. Instead, do things […]

Tips Tuesdays

Cleaning on a Budget

cleaning, multitasking

So back to saving yourself some money, Day 2. Today’s blog is about other uses for our household products, instead of buying new products.

For a fabulous glass cleaner, combine rubbing alcohol, water and ammonia or vinegar. You can polish your furniture with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Kill mold with hydrogen peroxide and water. And for an all-purpose, grease-cutting cleaner, combine water, baking soda, vinegar and dish detergent. (First 30 Days)

Money Mondays



Save Your Receipts and Statements Step 1: Starting today, save every single bill statement, receipt, or check that crosses your desk for at least one month, preferably three months. Keep a “spending notebook” in your pocket. Sort Your Receipts and Statements Step 2: Take all of the receipts/statements/notes/etc. you saved up and start making piles […]