Money Mondays

Simple Ways to Help You Pay Down Debt

Paying down debt can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of discipline and a few easy changes to your spending habits, you can make a dent in your debt and start feeling financially stable. Here are five easy ways to pay down debt: • Make a […]

Holidays Money Mondays Tips Tuesdays

Consumers tell ‘Love Doesn’t Have to Cost a Thing’’s annual Valentine’s Day Survey shows that nearly half of American adults expect their loved ones to spend nothing and the other half expects them to spend around $50. That’s the conclusion of’s second annual Valentine’s Day spending survey. Of the more than 3,000 adults polled, a mere 2 percent expect their significant other […]

Money Mondays

Survey Says: More Americans Are Stretching Tax Refunds Further This Year as Their “Needs” Top Their “Wants”


78 percent vow to spend this year’s tax refund wisely This year, one in two Americans receiving a tax refund (50 percent) say they plan to spend the extra money on bills or other household expenses, as opposed to vacations (15 percent), leisure activities (8 percent) or gifts (4 percent), according to a recent poll […]

Books Money Mondays

Dollars and Uncommon Sense: Basic Training for your Money by Steve Repak

Dollars and Uncommon Sense: Basic Training for your Money

This book could not have come at a better time in my life. We all read many financial books, that are here to guide us into taking care of our spending and finances. Well, I can honestly say I have read one too many books, and as much useful information as they provide me, I […]

Money Mondays

Get out of Debt by Summer’s End

Getting into debt is always easier (and generally more fun) than digging your way out of it. You sure loved those little ankle boots when you bought them on credit (only $100 on sale!) but now that they’ve been sitting in your closet for three months, you’re beginning to wonder if they’re really worth the exorbitant amount of money you’ll end up paying in interest for them (you suddenly realize that they’ve cost you almost double what you thought…ouch).

Money Mondays

4 Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

Credit Score

1. Pay off your debt One of the fastest and most efficient ways to improve your credit score is to pay off the high balances on your credit card. This could improve your credit score by 60 to 70 points. Credit bureaus use this information to predict how much of a credit risk you are […]

Money Mondays

8 Tips to Reduce Debt


1. Comparison shop for your communications stuff. You can often get a better deal if you bundle your cable, phone and internet service into one package. 2. Reduce your Cable TV service, especially during the summer months! Let’s face it, we don’t really need 600 channels, 5 premium movie channels, 22 music only channels and […]

Money Mondays

Ten Bad Money Habits

debt cartoon

1: Misusing balance transfers If you can’t refrain from charging, balance transfers won’t get you out of debt. If you’re really in the hole, consider getting a part-time job and dedicating your earnings to your debt load. If that’s not possible, go back to your budget and cut back on unnecessary expenses such as restaurant […]

Money Mondays

Oprah’s Diet Your Debt

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the bills you have to pay every month? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how you going to pay this month’s bills? This blog will not give you a quick fix for your debt, if it only was that easy, but instead […]