A few years ago I posted this post: 20 Minutes to a Great Bod, at that time I was really into fitness and keeping my body weight constant. I slacked off for about a year and then got back to it again this year and I couldn’t be any happier. I am not a runner/jogger, I find it boring, annoying and pointless to run on a treadmill straight for 30-60 minutes. However, after I found this great workout by FitnessMagazine.com I found a new love for the treadmill.
Tag: Eating healthy
The end of Summer is near, and this is the time of the year where we stop going to the gym, working out, and back to eating like crazy, because the Fall/Winter clothes will keep that weight nicely hidden. Right?! Wrong! I’ve recently joined the gym, ok, maybe about a month or two ago, and I am trying to make it habit of going and getting and staying fit. Whether it’s Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring, I will put in some workout in my daily life.
Being out of work can be a scary thing. There is a general loss of security in your life, money worries, and you might even be wondering where your next meal will come from. It’s no laughing matter. But nothing to lose hope over either. No matter what your income level, you can still eat healthy and cheaply while you’re between jobs.