DVD Tuesday Giveaways/Contests

Trolls Band Together – Digital Code Giveaway

OWN TROLLS BAND TOGETHER Sing-Along Edition ON DIGITAL, 4K ULTRA HD, BLU-RAY™ AND DVD JANUARY 16, 2024 FROM UNIVERSAL PICTURES HOME ENTERTAINMENT Download Free Activity Kit Get your hustle on and experience the BroZone craze all over again with Poppy, Branch, Viva, and Tiny Diamond. Get ready for an all-star family reunion like no other in […]

Black Lives Matter Black Voices Books Giveaways/Contests

Do the Work! An Antiracist Activity Book – Book Giveaway

Do the Work!An Antiracist Activity Book Revelatory and thought-provoking, this highly illustrated, highly informative interactive workbook gives readers a unique, hands-on understanding of systemic racism—and how we can dismantle it.Packed with activities, games, illustrations, comics, and eye-opening conversation, Do the Work! Challenges readers to think critically and act effectively. Try the “Separate but Not Equal” crossword […]


CLOSED – Zero Contact movie – Digital Code Giveaway

Available in Select Theaters, On Digital and On Demand on May 27th and on Blu-ray and DVD on July 5th! Starring Academy Award® winner Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs), this high-tech thriller chillingly reimagines our isolated, virtual world. Hopkins plays Finley Hart, the eccentric genius behind a global data-mining program. Upon his death, five remote […]

DVD Tuesday

CLOSED | Dreamworks’ THE BAD GUYS – Digital Code Giveaway

Follow the most notorious criminals in the world and find out if they can pull off their biggest job yet – going good – in DreamWorks Animation’s THE BAD GUYS, a hilarious high octane family adventure that is sure to bring the entire family together for non-stop action and laughs. Showcasing a brand-new crew of lovable and […]

Giveaways/Contests Movies

THE PROTÉGÉ – ATOM Code and Swag Giveaway

THE PROTÉGÉ in theaters Friday August 20, 2021 Rescued as a child by the legendary assassin Moody (Samuel L. Jackson) and trained in the family business, Anna (Maggie Q) is the world’s most skilled contract killer. But when Moody – the man who was like a father to her and taught her everything she needs to […]


MediaBistro Book Club Party – Review

Today I got the chance to attend the coolest book club party ever, hosted by This was my first MediaBistro event, and I am so glad I attended. The staff was super friendly, thanks to Stephanie Mack, MediaBistro’s Event Manager for helping me register for the event, because I was really having technical difficulties that day. Thank you Stephanie for being so patient with me and it was a pleasure to meet you. I also got the chance to meet Jason Boog, Publishing Editor at, he’s exactly how he describes himself on his blog, very friendly and welcoming.


Quit Smoking

Lately I’ve been noticing those NYC Tobacco ads on the trains, PSA’s on the local channels and it breaks my heart. How can people do this to their body and put their children at such risk?! I can’t say I know what it is like to be a smoker, because I don’t. I also can’t say how easy or hard it is to quit smoking, because I don’t. But I can say that you can do what you set your mind to do.