Tips Tuesdays

Five Great Dates that Don’t Cost a Fortune

Dating can present a host of difficulties for those who still frequent the scene. Getting to know a new person, learning what makes them tick, and trying not to mess up a good thing by being too, well…YOU…can be a frustrating and disheartening experience. You’re going to meet a lot of Mr. or Mrs. Wrongs before you find THE ONE, and the dates you choose have the potential to make or break a prospective relationship. If you knew the person better, you could definitely come up with something to impress, at least you could if you had the cash on hand for a 5-star restaurant, roses, and a limo. Unfortunately, you may have found yourself a little lighter in the wallet since the onset of the recession (when will it end?!).

Money Mondays

5 College Jobs That Don’t Suck

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Going to college can be stressful, tiring and most of all, expensive. Most students are struggling to get by paying for groceries, rent, and tuition, surviving on the bare minimum. Although having a job while taking a full load of classes can be difficult, it can also be very rewarding and help minimize your debt. Finding the perfect job to meet your busy schedule may not be easy, but when you do find the right job, you won’t regret it.


5 Most Incredible New Car Features

People often say that technology is advancing at an exponential rate (as in, our generation will generate twice the tech as our parents, our kids will generate four times as much, and so on and so forth). And if you think about it, some of the technology available for cars today would have seemed like science fiction just ten or twenty years ago.

Travel Thursdays

5 Great Winter Vacation Destinations

Instead of staying cooped up this winter, consider going on a great vacation to the mountains, escaping to a metropolitan city, or warming up in the desert. There are so many places to explore in a wide variety of price ranges, so pack up the car, bring your skis, or swimsuit and don’t forget to pack some sunscreen.

Travel Thursdays

Holiday Travel on the Cheap

One of the best parts of the holiday season is taking the time to visit family and friends, far and wide, that you may be unable to see at any other time of year. But with the price of airline tickets, hotel rooms, and rental cars at a premium, and long lines, delayed flights, and cancellations plaguing travelers during the busiest travel season of the year, contemplating leaving home, even to see loved ones that have long been absent, can be the furthest thing from your mind.

Travel Thursdays

5 Travel Destinations for Your Bucket List

There’s an entire world out there waiting to be explored by adventurous souls, but you can’t expect to see all of it (at least not in depth) in one short lifetime (and on a limited budget). Instead, you should endeavor to see some of the biggest and best that the world has to offer before you kick the bucket. To that end, here are just a few of the diamonds in the rough that are worth seeing before you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Travel Thursdays

Tuscan Villas: The Perfect Holiday Gift for The Whole Family

The holiday season is getting closer, and in a month or so you will be exchanging gifts with your loved ones. What if this year you gave your whole family the gift of a week or two in a Tuscan villa?
Tuscany is usually conceived as a summer destination, but there is nothing more underrated than a beautiful winter holiday in this wonderful region of Italy, especially if spent in one of its many splendid Tuscan villas. These accommodations have all been restored to offer you a stay with modern comforts.


5 Kids Flicks that Adults Will Love

Sometimes seeing movies with your kids can turn into a total snooze-fest. Let’s face it: most entertainment aimed at kids is simplistic, sappy, and full of moral lessons that we, as adults, just don’t buy into anymore. It should come as no surprise considering that children are still gaining knowledge and developing comprehension skills that we have enjoyed for years.

Money Mondays

6 Jobs That Teach Your Kids about Making Money

Providing your child with an allowance is the best way for them to start learning about money. They’ll learn the cost of things and what buying power is but it’s also important that they learn about making money as well. Here are six jobs that teach your kids about making money: