Fit Fridays

Tips on how to build muscles & lose weight

Many people know how difficult it is to actually lose weight and build muscles at the same time. This can be a fine line which is very hard to achieve. However, it can be done with the proper planning, exercise and nutrition. If you need to know how to lose weight while still being able to put on muscle, the following article will give you some tips which can help you accomplish this.

Tips Tuesdays

Blackberry Thumb Tips

How often do we find ourselves spending more time emailing, typing documents, etc… on our Blackberry/PDAs than on our computers? I must admit I am guilty on all these charges! Well, I’m NOT ONLY a Blackberry addict, but I love my Mac if it could fit in my pocket, I would carry it everywhere! Anyways, […]

Tips Tuesdays

Anxious About the Holidays?!

Holiday shopping can be a bit stressful especially in this time of recession, where we should be saving money instead of spending it. For those of us that love to shop and get really into it during the holidays, we know how stressful it can get when we can’t find the right present/gift for a […]


Top 10 Reasons Why You Not Losing Weight


1. Seeds and Nuts. It is healthy, except when you eat a bucket of cashews before lunch. Nuts are a quality natural food, but they are also very high in fat (good fat) and calories. When it comes to eating nutsweigh or count what you’re putting in your mouth. Most nuts are more than fifty […]

Tips Tuesdays

4 Tips for Wearing Heels

Christian Louboutini

Comfort is the keyWalk around the house a bit. Anyplace that you feel a little bit of pressure, that’s gonna be a painful spot. So that’s where you want to go in and strategically pad up your stiletto with a gel pad or some moleskin. You can cut it up and put it where you […]

Fit Fridays

15 Tips to get into the Exercise Habit


Don’t Break the Habit – The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising. Reward Showing Up – Woody Allen once said that, “Half of life is showing up.” I’d argue that 90% of making a habit is just making the effort to get there. Commit for […]

Tips Tuesdays

7 Worst and Best Places to Live

Tooth brushes

Worst place for your toothbrush – The bathroom sink.Best Place: The medicine cabinet or nearby cupboard. Worst place for your shoes/sneakers – the bedroom closet. Best Place: is to remove shoes by the door. Worst place to cool leftovers – The refrigerator. Best Place: is to leave food to cool on the counter for up […]