Money Mondays

Credit Card Finder Minimalism Series Part 2 – Top 13 Frugal iPhone Applications To Help You Save

If you are a frugal person like myself you probably think that the iPhone is an indulgence that is simply not in the budget. While the initial investment in it is costly, over time the iPhone can actually save you money. By figuring out which of the applications can help you cut costs and find the best deals, your iPhone will quickly become a budget boon rather then a budget buster. Listed here are some of the top money saving applications that you too can use to save money.


MMS for iPhone – AT&T Approved

Multimedia Messaging Service on iPhone can make AT&T Network crash today: So it seems that AT&T is or has finally given Apple iPhone the go-ahead-for-MMS.YES, AT&T announced on its Facebook page that it will issue new software Friday that will enable MMS message delivery for iPhones.FINALLY! I mean I am not an iPhone user but […]


The iPhone 3G is HERE!!


Yes, the Apple iPhone 3G is finally here!! The iPhones started selling today since 8am. Apple fans have been camping outside Apple stores since Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 or earlier. Other excited fans paid $1,200 to stand on line for them. I really hope the hype is worth it!! Old iPhone New iPhone 3G *For […]