
Track Your Money (Tax Refund)


Did you do your taxes yet?! If no, what are you waiting for?!
For those of us that did our taxes:
Wouldn’t you like to know if the IRS has received your paperwork?

Books Money Mondays

Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Law of Financial Freedom – Review

mind right, money right: 10 laws to financial freedom

I was given the great opportunity to review this book (Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom), and what a great read it was. From beginning to end, I was amazed at how much I learned from this book; from the great financial advice to the success stories of some of the wealthiest people on earth, I was intrigued and inspired to be all that I can be.

Money Mondays

Fables and Fortune Hunters

An American businessman took a vacation to a small coastal Mexican village on doctor’s orders. Unable to sleep after an urgent phone call from the office the first morning, he walked out to the pier to clear his head. A small boat with just one fisherman had docked, and inside the boat were several large […]

Money Mondays

5 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Money

Drive Less Save money on gas by walking to the store instead of driving there. Make your own coffee Either bringing coffee from home in a thermos or brewing it in the break room will help you save some dough. Remember that post on Latte Factor?! You do the math. Turn lights off Use less […]

Money Mondays

6 Tips to Budgeting

Last year I posted this interesting post on budgeting. I really enjoyed the video, so make sure to watch it when you get a chance. Thanks! KMP 1. Go through previous month transactions and figure out where most of your money is going. 2. Create a budget template that works for you. 3. Set priorities. […]

Money Mondays

Timing is Everything

Ever wonder when is the perfect time to purchase something?! Well the Calendar chart above can give you an idea. *For more information please visit: CNN Money and Smart Money *Money Mondays*

Money Mondays

Top States for Best and Worst Jobs

Hired, Happy Girl

The best… Location is everything. The unemployment rate is the ratio of job seekers to the working population. Therefore, a low percentage means few people are having any difficulty finding work. If you’re looking for a job, you want to be in a state that has an unemployment rate lower than the national average, which […]

Books Money Mondays

The Richest You!

The Richest Man in Babylon

Cure 1 Start thy purse to fattening. For every ten coins thou placest within thy purse take out for use but nine. Thy purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in thy hand and bring satisfaction to thy soul. In other words, spend less than you earn. Cure […]

Money Mondays

14 Ways to Save Money at the Supermarket


Make a list and stick to it. Compare unit pricing, not box size. As with good things, good prices sometimes come in small packages. If you only need a handful of items, use a basket, not a cart. Empty space on your cart will be tempting to fill. If it’s not on your list, don’t […]

Money Mondays

10 Money Tips For Women

KMP Blog

Don’t rely on someone else, like a husband or boyfriend, for your financial security. Educate yourself about money management and investing. Set goals – it’s key to financial success. Click here for four ways to set financial goals. Don’t use money to make yourself feel good. That type of high is fleeting. Instead, do things […]

Money Mondays

8 Tips to Reduce Debt


1. Comparison shop for your communications stuff. You can often get a better deal if you bundle your cable, phone and internet service into one package. 2. Reduce your Cable TV service, especially during the summer months! Let’s face it, we don’t really need 600 channels, 5 premium movie channels, 22 music only channels and […]

Money Mondays

Ten Bad Money Habits

debt cartoon

1: Misusing balance transfers If you can’t refrain from charging, balance transfers won’t get you out of debt. If you’re really in the hole, consider getting a part-time job and dedicating your earnings to your debt load. If that’s not possible, go back to your budget and cut back on unnecessary expenses such as restaurant […]

Money Mondays



Save Your Receipts and Statements Step 1: Starting today, save every single bill statement, receipt, or check that crosses your desk for at least one month, preferably three months. Keep a “spending notebook” in your pocket. Sort Your Receipts and Statements Step 2: Take all of the receipts/statements/notes/etc. you saved up and start making piles […]

Money Mondays

Tips on Tipping

Tip Jar

Tipping! Do we really have to?! Tipping is meant as a form of THANK YOU for your service, or before a service as a bribe for a special treatment. Below are a few tips on tipping that you’ll find useful: RESTAURANT: Maitre d’: $20 or more, if a special service is performed such as getting […]

Money Mondays

Job Interview and Resume Preparation

Resume Preparation
Hands on using wireless laptops. Instruction on how to write and design a resume with Microsoft’s Resume Wizard. On-line registration begins on Friday, March 28 at 1:00 pm.

Money Mondays

Oprah’s Diet Your Debt

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the bills you have to pay every month? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how you going to pay this month’s bills? This blog will not give you a quick fix for your debt, if it only was that easy, but instead […]

Money Mondays

Get That Job!

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity!Elmer Letterman The Learning Annex has an amazing Interviewing class that everyone looking for a job should take, the name of the class is Power Interviewing: Proven Techniques to Get Any Job with Barry Cohen and Mark Wallach. Here are some tips that you should never forget when […]

Money Mondays

FREE Business Seminars

Afraid of Speaking in Public?!

The business library is providing a free Toastmasters seminar to show you how Toastmasters can help you become a better public speaker.

Money Mondays

Track Your Money – (Income Tax Refund)

Did you do your taxes yet?! If no, what are you waiting for?!
For those of us that did our taxes:
Wouldn’t you like to know if the IRS has received your paperwork?
For Federal
For State

Money Mondays

Saving, the Smart Choice!

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How many times do we tell ourselves that we are going to start saving?! I’m sure many! Here are some great saving tips:

Pay Yourself FIRST!!
Minimize your credit card use. Force yourself to pay cash, that way you can track your expenses.
Take advantage of your company’s 401K plan, especially if they match your contributions.