Movie Reviews

Black Swan

After hearing so many great reviews about Black Swan I decided to watch it this weekend, and I am glad I did. I loved this movie from start to finish, it blew me away!!! There were times when I literally scratched my head and looked at the screen in confusion, but I just knew this was part of the amazing performance by Natalie Portman.

Movie Reviews

This Christmas… Meet the GodFocker

This Christmas why not watch a movie that will make you laugh Out Loud throughout the entire movie. Little Fockers is the one to see, this movie is hilarious from start to finish.

Movie Reviews

MegaMind, MegaCute, MegaFun!

MegaMind, incredibly handsome, criminal genius, and master of all villainy!

What do you get when you combine good, evil, a damsel in distress and some really entertaining actors?! A really fun to watch animated movie!


Show Us Your Book Sticker!

On Tuesday, October 5th you’ll be able to show off your virtual stickers for some best sellers you might have read or are currently reading. GetGlue this amazing app that allows you to check in into stuff that you are currently doing, such as reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie, etc…

Movie Reviews

The Night Chronicles: DEVIL (The Review)

This weekend premiered the first film of the Night Chronicles Series, Devil. As a scary movie fanatic, I support scary movies that I find to be worth my time and money. When I saw the preview/trailer for Devil, I found it to be interesting, not corny like the rest of the scary movies that came out lately, and the best thing was, that it wasn’t in 3D. It seems like every slasher/thriller, kids or action movies that come out are in 3D.

Movie Reviews

Go Munk Yourself!

We all love Alvin and the Chipmunks! I remember watching this when I was younger and trying to talk like them, I thought it was cool. I really enjoyed the first movie and I enjoyed The Squeakel as well. Well, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakel is out on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital Download right now, so if you grew up watching the show, if you enjoyed the first movie, you will definitively enjoy this movie. If you have children, they will be in agreement about wanting this DVD in their homes.

Movie Reviews

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

If you saw New Moon, you’ll be excited about Eclipse coming out June 30, 2010. I know I am! No, I did not read the books, but I am dying to find out what happens next!

Movie Reviews

Gory Films You Have to Netflix

After reading 5 Favorite Incredibly Gory Horror Films by Geek Tyrant, I Netflixed the following (2) movies and believe me they left me feeling like I wanted to throw up, my stomach turned a few times, I cringed and hide my face behind a pillow. UGH! sooo sick!

Movie Reviews

Good Hair…Good Movie

After watching Good Hair I realized how much money is wasted on hair products by not only women but also men. I thought about how many different hair products I’ve tried to make my hair more to my liking. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE my hair, but there are times when I wish I […]

Movie Reviews

Drink, Play, F@#k

Remember that (still) very popular book Eat, Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, well there’s a “male” version to that book, Drink, Play F@#k by Andrew Gottlieb. I did not read either book yet, but I did skim through Drink, Play, F@#k and it was pretty funny. Apparently Warner Bros thinks the same because they […]

Movie Reviews

Transformers 2 – Revenge of the Fallen (REVIEW)

For those that have not yet seen the movie, I’ll do my best not to spoil it for you.
For those that saw it, please share your thoughts in the comments section.

It is no surprise that the movie was sold out on the first day it came out, Wednesday. I was fortunate to have gotten my tickets a day or two in advanced.
The line to go see the movie was of course LONG, but not as long as was the line for Dark Knight or Sex and the City.

Movie Reviews

Dark Knight’s Insane Records

Joker, Dark Knight Joker

So it has been 19 days since the Dark Knight debuted and it has been killing, murdering, slashing through those records. Let’s see:

Opening weekend sales
Approximately $155 Million beating Spiderman 2’s record

Movie Reviews

Dark Knight – To See or Not To See…


The long awaited movie Dark Knight, came out Friday, July 18, 2008, with a bang.
At the AMC movie theater on 42nd and 8th avenue, tickets for all Dark Knight shows were SOLD OUT. The only shows that were available were the 1 and 1:30AM shows.