
What Would Your Last Lecture Be…

“Hypothetically if you knew you were going to die and you had one last lecture what would you say?!” Randy Pausch Earlier today I was asked to watch the video below and after 10 minutes, all sorts of emotions came over me. Hard to describe them, but let’s just say that I was feeling down […]

The Interviews

DJ Kut’s Kandid Interview

Who is DJ KUT?! St. Louis native DJ KUT is best known for rocking the best parties and captivating millions of listeners’ attention every morning. You might know KUT from The Ed Lover Morning Show, Power 105.1 in NYC or from Quiet Storm, Majic 104.9 in St. Louis. Passionate about his work KUT has had […]


Eckhart Tolle: A New Book, A New Earth!

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle is the new book selected by Oprah for her Book Club. The book might seemed a little slow at first but keep reading I’m sure you’ll find it very rewarding.