Tips Tuesdays

Five Great Dates that Don’t Cost a Fortune

Dating can present a host of difficulties for those who still frequent the scene. Getting to know a new person, learning what makes them tick, and trying not to mess up a good thing by being too, well…YOU…can be a frustrating and disheartening experience. You’re going to meet a lot of Mr. or Mrs. Wrongs before you find THE ONE, and the dates you choose have the potential to make or break a prospective relationship. If you knew the person better, you could definitely come up with something to impress, at least you could if you had the cash on hand for a 5-star restaurant, roses, and a limo. Unfortunately, you may have found yourself a little lighter in the wallet since the onset of the recession (when will it end?!).


5 Kids Flicks that Adults Will Love

Sometimes seeing movies with your kids can turn into a total snooze-fest. Let’s face it: most entertainment aimed at kids is simplistic, sappy, and full of moral lessons that we, as adults, just don’t buy into anymore. It should come as no surprise considering that children are still gaining knowledge and developing comprehension skills that we have enjoyed for years.