Money Mondays

How to Start Saving in 2011

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It’s time once again to start making your list of New Year’s resolutions. And while “get in shape” is at the top of most people’s lists, you have likely also included “save money” (in one form or another) as a very close second. In fact, you’re not very liable to follow through with any of your resolutions, despite your good intentions (as you may recall from years past) unless you make some sort of change in your methodology.

Money Mondays

Best ways to motivate yourself into saving money

Due to the status of the current economy, many people are now finding themselves living paycheck to paycheck and are losing their motivation to start or build up their savings.

However, saving doesn’t have to be a hard task if you take simple steps to start and stay on track with the process. Here are some tips to get you started and keep you motivated to reach your savings goal.

Money Mondays

5 Most Common Retiree Money Mistakes

They call it your golden years for a reason: because you’re in the money! At least, you will be if you spent a lifetime contributing to social security, a 401K, and other lucrative investments. In truth, it is a golden opportunity to finally get around to all the things you wanted to do (but didn’t have time for). You now enjoy the freedom to travel, volunteer, or simply sleep in for a change.