Blogging Tips Fit Fridays Marketing Tips

What’s Your Expertise? – NaBloPoMo

Everyone is an expert in something. Tell us three things you’re an expert in. Sometimes I feel I am not an expert at anything. It’s like when someone asks you what are your skills/talents, often times I feel I have no talents and/or skills, even if I do. So this time, I will look deep […]

Marketing Tips

Social Media Tips Weekly Newsletter – Sign Up Now!

KMP Blog Newsletter

This weekend I announced that I’ll be launching a fantastic newsletter where I’ll share some really awesome social media and marketing tips that you guys can use to help your brand/business. The newsletter will go out every Monday morning for the rest of the year, and they will contain random tips on the following topics: […]

Blogging Tips Books Marketing Tips

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing – Book Review

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Not so long ago, I attended a MediaBistro Book Club, and I am glad I did. I got to hear about some really great books in shelves today. Amongst these great books was a fabulous book that I carry with me very often and use it for reference and guidance, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing, by Jennifer Abernethy.