Blogging Tips Books Marketing Tips

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing – Book Review

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Not so long ago, I attended a MediaBistro Book Club, and I am glad I did. I got to hear about some really great books in shelves today. Amongst these great books was a fabulous book that I carry with me very often and use it for reference and guidance, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Social Media Marketing, by Jennifer Abernethy.

Money Mondays

6 Tips to Budgeting

Last year I posted this interesting post on budgeting. I really enjoyed the video, so make sure to watch it when you get a chance. Thanks! KMP 1. Go through previous month transactions and figure out where most of your money is going. 2. Create a budget template that works for you. 3. Set priorities. […]

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tip# 2 Choosing a Blog Hosting Site?

Blogger and wordpress logo

Wordpress and Blogger are the two most popular blogging sites out there. I use Blogger. I have tried Wordpress, wasn’t feeling it, I guess I didn’t like Wordpress formatting. At the time when I tried Wordpress I had already been using Blogger for about a year, then something happened and I figured I’d give Wordpress a try, but it didn’t work out for me, so I went back to Blogger and purchased a new domain.

Money Mondays

14 Ways to Save Money at the Supermarket


Make a list and stick to it. Compare unit pricing, not box size. As with good things, good prices sometimes come in small packages. If you only need a handful of items, use a basket, not a cart. Empty space on your cart will be tempting to fill. If it’s not on your list, don’t […]

Tips Tuesdays

14 Brain Boosting Tips


Eat AlmondsAlmond is believed to improve memory. If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is prepared by crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it. Drink Apple JuiceResearch […]

Money Mondays

10 Money Tips For Women

KMP Blog

Don’t rely on someone else, like a husband or boyfriend, for your financial security. Educate yourself about money management and investing. Set goals – it’s key to financial success. Click here for four ways to set financial goals. Don’t use money to make yourself feel good. That type of high is fleeting. Instead, do things […]

Money Mondays

8 Tips to Reduce Debt


1. Comparison shop for your communications stuff. You can often get a better deal if you bundle your cable, phone and internet service into one package. 2. Reduce your Cable TV service, especially during the summer months! Let’s face it, we don’t really need 600 channels, 5 premium movie channels, 22 music only channels and […]

Money Mondays



Save Your Receipts and Statements Step 1: Starting today, save every single bill statement, receipt, or check that crosses your desk for at least one month, preferably three months. Keep a “spending notebook” in your pocket. Sort Your Receipts and Statements Step 2: Take all of the receipts/statements/notes/etc. you saved up and start making piles […]

Money Mondays

Tips on Tipping

Tip Jar

Tipping! Do we really have to?! Tipping is meant as a form of THANK YOU for your service, or before a service as a bribe for a special treatment. Below are a few tips on tipping that you’ll find useful: RESTAURANT: Maitre d’: $20 or more, if a special service is performed such as getting […]