Fit Fridays HealthAndWellness

How I am Working Hard and Training Harder


Lately, I am on a journey to build a stronger, fitter, healthier body.  As a personal trainer I wanted to make sure I worked hard on my body first, before dedicating my time to train others. That doesn’t mean that I am not looking to inspire others while I’m training myself. Personal trainers are real […]

Fit Fridays HealthAndWellness

Busy Day? Recharge and Repair with Vega Sport Protein Bar

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I love busy workout days. Especially those days when I thought I had a long draining day at work and no energy left to workout and somehow manage to fit in two 60 minute workouts. Training for a marathon has made me realize how much energy I have, when I thought I had none left. […]

Fit Fridays HealthAndWellness

Fuel Better with Vega Sport: Perfomance Protein

VegaSport Performance Protein

You ever workout and feel tired and sore the next day or right after and then feel like you shouldn’t workout again. What you put in your body after a vigorous workout it’s very important. Most of us that workout know that protein helps preserve muscle and helps keep you fuller longer. Using natural products […]