Only In NYC

NYC Apartments: Living Like a Rockstar!

If you are not making enough money to pay those crazy rent prices in NYC, but are curious about finding an affordable apartment based on your income, there are ways to do this….

Did you know that there are luxury apartments in the city (Manhattan) or even Downtown BK, where people pay less than $800 dollars a month for a one bedroom apartment, with washer and dryer, dishwasher, free gym in the building, air conditioner, brand new, hardwood floors, top of the line luxury apartments?!

Well there is, but it is not as easy as it sounds, there are few steps before getting this “LUXURY” apartment, but with persistence anything is possible.

NYC.GOV has a link where you can find more information on how to apply for these apartments.
Make sure to look at the Application Deadline and get the application in no later than the application deadline.
Do not be intimidated by the income guidelines, if you make anywhere close to the income guidelines, you should apply, the worst they can say is no, but at least you tried and it only cost you a stamp and an envelope.

If you would like more information or help completing the application or tips on how the process works, leave a comment, and I’ll be more than happy to help.

Happy Hunting!

3 replies on “NYC Apartments: Living Like a Rockstar!”

I've also lived in New York way back when I was still working there. I thought it would be hard for me to find a place for me to stay, but luckily there are still cool apartments with very affordable price. Now, I'm already living in a cozy crib in Key West, FL but I still miss those days when I'm still in New York.

When I first went to New York last year, I indeed had a hard time finding for an affordable place to stay and I ended up getting a hotel room. Last month when I went back there again, my friend recommended me these short term furnished apartments (NYC) which are not only budget-friendly but also have great amenities and features. I've learned that staying at apartments are definitely better than staying in hotels.

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