Blogging Tips Conferences

My BlogHer ’12 Experience – The Bloggers

I Saw… Some Awesome Bloggers I Met Day 1 was the busiest and the day I met a lot of awesome new people and saw some bloggers I already know. The first person I met was Kay from Movie Star Makeover. I am so glad I met her first, because the conversation we had made […]

Blogging Tips Conferences

BlogHer ’12 – The Technical: Podcasting 101

Podcast popart

There are many forms of blogging, writing blog posts, video blogging, and then there’s podcasting. Podcasting varies too, there’s video podcasting and audio podcasting. During BlogHer ’12 I attended a session on Podcasting and I must say I learned quite a lot, but I don’t think I’m ready to take my blog into podcasts just […]

Blogging Tips Conferences

BlogHer ’12/Pathfinder Day – My Blog As A Book Proposal (RECAP)

Pathfinder Day at BlogHer 2012

Thursday morning I attended an amazing BlogHer session where other blog enthusiasts and myself learned about book proposals. A popular question that went around the room was… “If you were to write a book, what would it be about?” Stefanie Wilder-Taylor of and author of Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay: And Other Things […]