Wireless Media Stick Last week, I received this really cool product to review, is the HSTI Wireless Media Stick. Prior to receiving it I had read about it on Engadget and other technology blogs, so I really wanted to test it out for myself. Wirelessly streaming media from different rooms sounded pretty exciting. So below are my pros […]
Cocktails & Mocktails made with Lipton Iced Tea Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer and is the perfect time for a celebration! Whether you’re spending time relaxing at home or having a big end-of-summer party, these cocktails/mocktails made with Lipton Iced Tea will be sure to keep you and your guests cool and […]
Veggie Burgers at Burger King
Blogging with Pictures
(From left to right: Jessie, Rachel & Shalini) The following post/notes were from the BlogHer ’12 session titled: The Visual – Telling Stories with Pictures: Incorporating Graphics, Cartoons and Iconography. Before attending this session I would’ve never thought of any other way to incorporate my own images or comics/cartoons in my posts or getting more creative […]
Jaden Hair | SteamyKitchen.com | @SteamyKitchen | jaden@steamykitchen.com Kathryn Finney | SimplyGoodMedia.com | @KathrynFinney | kathryn.finney@simplygoodmedia.com The following tips were from a very insightful and helpful BlogHer ’12 Pathfinder session. Based on the notes, I’ve summarized the session down to these ten very important tips that every blogger should know. I. Invest in your skills: […]
What is TRX® Rip™ Training?
What is TRX® Rip™ Training? The TRX Rip Trainer™ is a full-spectrum resistance training tool designed for developing the ability to generate and control rotational forces. Which is basically a fancy way of saying that it delivers resistance training unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Equally adept as a rehabilitation tool, a strength and conditioning tool, […]
This conference session was a very popular one during BlogHer. The room was filled to capacity and quite a few couldn’t get in. I’m glad I got in, because I felt the information was somewhat useful to me and useful to my readers. This post talks about working with brands, how to pitch to bloggers, […]
There are many forms of blogging, writing blog posts, video blogging, and then there’s podcasting. Podcasting varies too, there’s video podcasting and audio podcasting. During BlogHer ’12 I attended a session on Podcasting and I must say I learned quite a lot, but I don’t think I’m ready to take my blog into podcasts just […]
Thursday morning I attended an amazing BlogHer session where other blog enthusiasts and myself learned about book proposals. A popular question that went around the room was… “If you were to write a book, what would it be about?” Stefanie Wilder-Taylor of stefaniewildertaylor.com and author of Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay: And Other Things […]
NYC Summer Streets 2012 – Details
Project Health is a wellness program to raise awareness in multicultural communities about influenza preparedness during National Immunization Awareness Month. Qualifying participants will receive vouchers redeemable for a flu shot at CVS/pharmacy or MinuteClinic this flu season. Throughout the month of August, which is National Immunization Awareness Month, CVS/pharmacy’s Project Health (“Proyecto Salud” in Spanish) is […]
What Keeps You Moving?! NikeFuel Does
How would you like to save $100 bucks this weekend?! Register to attend Advertising Week (October 1-5, 2012) and save $100 bucks if you register this weekend, after Sunday, prices go up. Get a DELEGATE pass (click here to register for a Delegate pass) Early Bird (June 11 – July 15): $149 Benefits Include: » Admittance […]
Today is the first class of Google’s Power Searching online course, that will teach you everything you need to know about searching better on Google. Yes, we all think we know everything there is to know about Google and searching on Google, but do we really know everything?! Are we really going to question the […]
This weekend I announced that I’ll be launching a fantastic newsletter where I’ll share some really awesome social media and marketing tips that you guys can use to help your brand/business. The newsletter will go out every Monday morning for the rest of the year, and they will contain random tips on the following topics: […]
Sponsor Me for BlogHer 2012
I know how last minute this is but KMP Blog is seeking a wonderful sponsor to sponsor me to attend the BlogHer’12 conference in New York City! Attending BlogHer would be a dream come true. BlogHer Conference aims to connect influential women bloggers together and allows us to inspire, learn and grow with each other. […]